Georgetown Law
Web Address: | |
Phone Number: | 202.662.9030 |
Address: | 600 New Jersey Ave., N.W. Washington, DC 20001 |
Current Dean
Bill Treanor | 2010-08-16 to Current |
Previous Deans (populated by deans in the database)
Deans Who Attended Georgetown Law
Name | Degree |
Year of Graduation |
Erin O'Hara O'Connor | J.D. | 1990 |
Judith Daar | J.D. | |
Tamara Lawson | LL.M. | 2003 |
Anthony Varona | LL.M. | |
Jace C. Gatewood | J.D. | |
Camille Davidson | J.D. | |
Jeffrey D. Jackson | LL.M. | 2003 |
Johanna Bond | LL.M. | 2001 |
Julie Lawton | LL.M. | |
Anna E. Carpenter | J.D. | 2009 |
Anna E. Carpenter | LL.M. | 2013 |
Courtney Anderson | LL.M. | 2012 |
Previous Deans
(information provided by Georgetown Law)
Name | Tenure as Dean |
Judith Areen | 2009 - 2010 |
T. Alexander Aleinikof | 2004 - 2010 |
T. Alexander Aleinkoff | 2004 - 2009 |
Judith Areen | 1989 - 2004 |
Robert Pitofsky | 1983 - 1989 |
David McCarthy Jr. | 1975 - 1983 |
Adrian Fisher * | 1969 - 1975 |
Rev Brian McGrath (Regent) | 1965 - 1971 |
Paul Regis Dean | 1954 - 1969 |
Hugh Joseph Fegan * | 1943 - 1954 |
Rev. Francis E. Lucey (Regent) * | 1931 - 1961 |
Rev. Thomas B. Chetwood (Regent) * | 1928 - 1931 |
George Hamilton | 1914 - 1943 |
Hon Harry Clabaugh * | 1903 - 1914 |
George Hamilton | 1900 - 1903 |
Jeremiah Wilson | 1896 - 1900 |
Martin Morris | 1891 - 1894 |
Charles Hoffman | 1876 - 1891 |
Judge George Paschal * | 1874 - 1876 |
Charles James | 1870 - 1874 |
* Deceased