North Carolina--University of North Carolina School of Law

Web Address:
Phone Number: 919.962.4417
Address: 100 Ridge Road, Van Hecke-Wettach Bldg.
Chapel Hill, NC 27599

Current Dean

Martin H. Brinkley
2015-07-01 to Current

Previous Deans (populated by deans in the database)

John C. Boger
2006-07-01 to 2015-06-30
Gail B. Agrawal
2005-07-01 to 2006-06-30

Deans Who Attended North Carolina--University of North Carolina School of Law

Year of Graduation
Martin H. Brinkley
Patricia Timmons-Goodson
Todd Pettys

Previous Deans
(information provided by North Carolina--University of North Carolina School of Law)

Tenure as Dean
Charles Daye (Interim)
2006 - 2006
Gail Agrawal (Interim)
2005 - 2006
Gene Nichol
1999 - 2005
Judith Welch Wegner
1989 - 1999
Ronald C. Link (Acting)
1988 - 1989
Kenneth S. Broun
1979 - 1987
Robert Gray Byrd
1974 - 1979
James Dickson Phillips, Jr.
1964 - 1974
Henry Brandis, Jr.
1949 - 1964
Robert Hasley Wettach
1941 - 1949
Maurice Taylor Van Hecke
1931 - 1941
Charles Tilford McCormick
1927 - 1931
Abner Leon Green
1926 - 1927
Atwell Campbell McIntosh (Acting)
1926 - 1927
Merton Leroy Ferson
1924 - 1926
Atwell Campbell McIntosh (Acting)
1923 - 1924
Lucius Polk McGehee
1910 - 1923
Thomas Ruffin (Acting)
1909 - 1909
James Cameron MacRae
1899 - 1909

* Deceased